Top 100 Songs of All-Time
Boston Emissions Top 100 Songs of All-Time
Add yours here: Top 100 Songs of All-Time
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There are thousands of songs we love from over the years. I always say that we are very good at nostalgia so, this Fall, I am looking for those songs. The one’s people who’ve been around town for awhile know, the songs people recognize–fans of bands–from over the years. Obscure stuff is cool, but may not be right for this list. Share yours in the link above.
*By Boston, I mean the Boston region and the artists who’ve made music here over the last couple of decades. Not SUPER famous songs that get played all day on classic rock radio. Don’t bother me with Aerosmith.
-Band or artist must be from New England
-Must be songs previously released and available for public consumption and not just your band’s songs (please don’t fill it up with your own songs)
-If it’s been released in the city and region, it will be considered
-While there is no limit to what you can add, they should fit the above criteria
I’ll start. Morphine – Cure For Pain